Here is the weekly update for fuel price of power used by electric cooperatives and their members. The prices are the most recent available at time of update. In some cases, these represent averages across the country or in particular regions, and might differ from local market prices. (Source: Energy Information Administration)
Coal Spot Prices (Powder River Basin 8800 Btu)

One month ago: $14.20 per short ton
One year ago: $13.65 per short ton
Natural Gas Spot Market (Henry Hub)

One month ago: $5.90 per million Btu
One year ago: $1.40 per million Btu
U.S. Crude Oil Spot Prices (West Texas Intermediate)

One month ago: $72.17 per barrel
One year ago: $82.79 per barrel
On-Highway Diesel Prices

One month ago: $3.70 per gallon
One year ago: $4.03 per gallon
Retail Gasoline Prices (Regular)

One month ago: $3.13 per gallon
One year ago: $3.52 per gallon
Residential Propane Prices (October-March only)

One month ago: $2.75
One year ago: $2.58 per gallon
One year ago: $2.58 per gallon
No. 2 Heating Oil Residential (October-March only)

One month ago: $3.93
One year ago: $4.04 per gallon
Learn More About Electric Co-ops
• Electric Co-op Facts & Figures: Data on co-ops’ role in the field and in the community.
• Along Those Lines: NRECA’s monthly podcast on important stories across co-op country.