Clean Power Plan
NRECA to EPA: Ensure Reliability, Affordability and Flexibility in Clean Power Plan Redo
As EPA ponders an effective replacement for its Clean Power Plan, NRECA provides solid direction.
NRECA, G&Ts Have Their Say on EPA’s Clean Power Plan Replacement
NRECA CEO Jim Matheson calls the ACE rule "the best path forward for electric co-ops."
Co-op Leaders React to EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan Replacement
Co-ops say they will serve reliable, affordable electricity no matter what replaces the CPP.
Clean Power Plan Replacement: How It Affects Co-ops
EPA unveils Affordable Clean Energy rule, the long-awaited replacement of the Clean Power Plan.
NRECA Explains Co-ops’ Obstacles Under Clean Power Plan
What should EPA know about America’s electric co-ops before drafting another Clean Power Plan?
EPA to Replace Clean Power Plan
Electric co-ops deserve some “common sense” regulation to replace the current Clean Power Plan
Co-ops Need ‘Clear and Durable’ Replacement for Clean Power Plan
NRECA tells EPA a “clear and durable” replacement is needed for the Clean Power Plan.
EPA Moves to Repeal Clean Power Plan
EPA plans to repeal the Clean Power Plan, a move NRECA hopes will bring flexibility to co-ops.
EPA’s Pruitt Gets Co-op View
Visiting a Missouri co-op, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt talks about an American energy policy.
Trump Orders Clean Power Plan Review
Clean Power Plan rollback begins with the order to review the EPA rule targeting coal generation.