More than 100 electric co-op volunteers went to Wherry Housing Co-op in Smyrna, Tennessee, for Touchstone Energy's 10th annual community service project. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
It's got a long way to go, but eventually a family will be able to call this home. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
The top photo shows a recently vacated unit at Wherry Housing Co-op, while the bottom photo is of a unit well on its way to renovation. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
Michael Hendrickson, supervisor at Wherry Housing Co-op, was grateful for the Touchstone Energy volunteers. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
There was no shortage of brush to clear at Wherry Housing Co-op. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
Chris Jones, CEO of Middle Tennessee EMC, which serves the Wherry Housing Co-op, was among several CEOs who came out to lend a hand. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
Volunteers install energy efficient LED lighting. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
Several co-op volunteers grabbed rollers and put on fresh coats of paint. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
Touchstone Energy's Alan Shedd used an electric bike to get around the Wherry Housing Co-op. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
Sylvia Grove once worked in an industrial kitchen, so this was old hat to her. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
Lynn Moore, Touchstone Energy executive director, and her husband, Scott, take a quick photo break while helping at Wherry Housing Co-op. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)
After a morning of hard work, volunteers enjoyed a barbecue lunch courtesy of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association, before resuming in the afternoon. (Photo By: Luis Gomez Photos)