ARLINGTON, Va. – More than 40 organizations today joined the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) in sending a letter urging President Trump to focus on rural issues at the highest levels of his White House team.
The letter specifically asks the president to designate a senior member of the White House staff as a rural advisor and/or create an Office of Rural Policy with a direct focus on rural issues.
“As President Trump continues rounding out his White House team, we hope he will put a high priority on issues affecting rural American families and businesses,” said NRECA CEO Jim Matheson. “A collaborative approach is critical to addressing the wide range of 21st century issues facing rural America – many of which expand beyond the scope of any single department or agency.
“America’s electric cooperatives are deeply invested in the communities they serve. We look forward to collaborating with the new administration to bolster the rural economy and enhance the quality of life for our 42 million consumer-owners. We hope the White House recognizes the need to address these issues by designating a person or office to prioritize the interests of rural communities.”
The letter also expresses continued support for Governor Perdue at the helm of the Department of Agriculture.
The list of signers includes:
Farm Credit Bank
AgriBank, FCB
American Association of Community Colleges
American Association of Crop Insurers
American Sugar Alliance
America’s SBDC
Center for Rural Affairs
Crop Insurance Professionals Association
Fair Food Network
Farm Credit Bank of Texas
Farm Credit Council
Farmer Mac
Housing Assistance Council
National Association of Counties
National Association of Development Organizations (NADO)
National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils (RC&D)
National Association of Towns and Townships
National Association of Wheat Growers
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
National Cotton Council
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC)
National Farmers Union
National Latino Farmers & Ranchers Trade Association
National Milk Producers Federation
National Peach Council
National Pork Producers Council
National Rural Economic Developers (NRED)
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (NRUCFC)
National Sorghum Producers
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
Rural Broadband Association (NTCA)
Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)
Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Select Milk Producers
Southern Peanut Farmers Federation
Southwest Council of Agribusiness
USA Rice
Western Peanut Growers Association
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association is the national service organization that represents the nation’s more than 900 private, not-for-profit, consumer-owned electric cooperatives, which provide service to 42 million people in 47 states.