Mutual Aid Crews Get a Taste of Cajun Hospitality in Louisiana
PublishedSeptember 21, 2021
Derrill Holly
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Mutual Aid Crews Get a Taste of Cajun Hospitality in Louisiana
A volunteer fills an individual serving container with pasta and meat sauce from a 50-gallon kettle to help feed first responders supporting hurricane recovery near Houma, Louisiana. (Photo By: Kevin Prejean)
Amid the massive power restoration effort after Hurricane Ida, Louisianans who were spared from the storm are stepping up to support mutual-aid crews still working in the hardest-hit areas.
“Ida missed us here in Lafayette, but the people over in Houma have been up against it, so we’re doing what we can to bring them a little hope,” said Kevin Prejean, a member of Southwest Louisiana Electric Membership Corp.
Prejean, a car salesman, is also a Cajun chef with a big heart, a self-contained mobile kitchen and a passion for feeding hungry people, including line crews and other first responders.
“We fed 1,200 people from the parking lot of the Houma police station last Thursday, and Tuesday we’ll prepare another 1,500 meals and pass them out down in Lafourche Parish,” he said.
With a team of six to 10 volunteers and mostly donated supplies, these meals have become a familiar site in Gulf Coast communities caught up in storm recovery efforts.
“We did Katrina and Rita back in 2005, and when Hurricane Delta hit last year, we did about 2,000 plates,” said Prejean. “Now, when a storm hits, my volunteer folks start calling and asking, ‘What are we doing for the storm?’”
After Delta, Prejean operated close to home. About 80,000 of SLEMCO’s members were without power after the storm made landfall near Creole, Louisiana, in October 2020. Once restoration work was completed, thousands of co-op members faced major repairs or the need to rebuild their homes. Prejean’s group provided meals in several locations across the storm-ravaged area.
COVID-19 concerns have prompted some modifications, with serving times staggered to minimize congregating and meals boxed for distribution offsite.
Promotion of these efforts is largely driven by social media.
“We started a Facebook group called Feed Linemen,” said Sheila Caruso Person of Lafayette. “We connect volunteers with crews to get them food and water and help them find other things they need because, with the power off, a lot of businesses are still closed.”
Launched on Aug. 31 with about a dozen followers, the Facebook group now has close to 34,000 members, including many who sift through requests for help and quickly contact others close enough to respond.
“We have women who are going around locations where the line crews are staging and picking up bags of laundry,” said Person. “One woman has a network of friends pitching in and she did 300 loads of laundry in one day with the help of people who have power.”
While co-op mutual-aid crews often see signs of appreciation and offers of water and food near their work areas, social media has extended the reach of support, particularly from areas outside of outage zones.
“The community and cooperative spirit of the locals has been phenomenal,” said Mary Laurent, communications coordinator for SLEMCO. “People from across south Louisiana are turning out to feed line crews, wash their clothes and make donations of socks, snacks and toiletries. …
“Social media has really helped lineworker families to get the word out to locals that their men need help to keep working in this heat for 16-hour shifts. This year, in true Cajun fashion, men and women both started cooking and haven’t stopped. It’s been fantastic.”
Extensive work in SLECA territory continues. (Photo Courtesy: Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas)
Hurricane Ida battered SLECA offices in Houma, La. (Photo Courtesy: SLECA)
A massive fleet of workers continues restoration efforts in SLECA territory over Labor Day weekend following Hurricane Ida. (Photo Courtesy: Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas)
Volunteers picked up bags of clothes to wash for Magnolia Electric Power lineworkers working over Labor Day weekend. (Photo Courtesy: Magnolia Electric Power)
More than 1,100 lineworkers and tree trimmers continue restoration work in SLECA's territory. (Photo Courtesy: SLECA)
Magnolia Electric Power crews continue restoration work over Labor Day weekend. (Photo Courtesy: Magnolia Electric Power)
Magnolia Electric Power crews continue restoration work over Labor Day weekend. (Photo Courtesy: Magnolia Electric Power)
DEMCO crews continue Hurricane Ida-related assessment and restoration work on Sept. 3. (Photo Courtesy: DEMCO)
Magnolia Electric Power crews head out for more restoration work on Sept. 3. (Photo Courtesy: Magnolia Electric Power)
Southern Pine Electric completed its restoration work on Sept. 1. (Photo Courtesy: Southern Pine Electric)
Southern Pine Electric crews completed restoration work in their territory on Sept. 1. (Photo Courtesy: Southern Pine Electric)
Southern Pine Electric crews completed restoration work in their territory on Sept. 1. (Photo Courtesy: Southern Pine Electric)
Southern Pine Electric crews completed restoration work in their territory on Sept. 1. (Photo Courtesy: Southern Pine Electric)
Crews from across the south continue work in Mississippi on Sept. 1. (Photo Courtesy: Magnolia Electric Power Association)
Cots arrive for crews working in Mississippi. (Photo Courtesy: Magnolia Electric Power Association)
A lineman repairs a pole in Mississippi after Hurricane Ida swept through earlier this week. (Photo Courtesy: Southern Pine Electric)
Co-op teams plan restoration efforts on Sept. 1. More than a dozen co-ops are helping restore power in Magnolia Electric Power Association territory. (Photo Courtesy: Magnolia Electric Power Association)
Crews continue to arrive and dispatch throughout DEMCO's seven-parish service area on Sept. 1, working to restore power after Hurricane Ida damaged Louisiana. (Photo Courtesy: DEMCO)
Crews depart Dixie Electric Power Association to help Magnolia Electric Power with restoration efforts in the early morning hours of Sept. 1. (Photo Courtesy: Dixie Electric Power Association)
Crews work in the Mississippi night on Aug. 31. (Photo Courtesy: Coast Electric Power Association)
DEMCO crews uncover widespread damage in Louisiana on Aug. 31. (Photo Courtesy: DEMCO)
Arkansas crews left Aug. 31 to assist with restoration in Louisiana. (Photo Courtesy: Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas)
A Coast Electric Power Association truck departs to continue the power restoration process in Mississippi on Aug. 31. (Photo Courtesy: Coast Electric Power Association)
A crew member from Singing River Electric Cooperative in Mississippi helps restore power to neighboring Magnolia Electric Power members on Aug. 31. (Photo Courtesy: Singing River Electric Cooperative)
DEMCO crews assess widespread damage in Louisiana from Hurricane Ida on Aug. 30. (Photo Courtesy: DEMCO)
PC Electric crews meet before heading out to assess damage from Hurricane Ida in Louisiana on Aug. 30. (Photo Courtesy: PC Electric)
Southwest Electric Co-op crews assess damage from Hurricane Ida in Mississippi on Aug. 30. (Photo Courtesy: Southwest Electric Co-op)
A lineworker with Singing River Electric Cooperative works to repair damage from Hurricane Ida in Gautier, Miss., on Aug. 30. (Photo Courtesy: Singing River Electric Cooperative)
Crews from Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association work to restore power in Mississippi on Aug. 30 after Hurricane Ida swept through. (Photo Courtesy: Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association)
Crews from Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association work to restore power in Mississippi on Aug. 30 after Hurricane Ida swept through. (Photo Courtesy: Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association)
A Coast Electric Power Association crew works to restore power in Harrison County, Miss., on Aug. 30, after Hurricane Ida made landfall. (Photo Courtesy: Coast Electric Cooperative)
SLEMCO employees prepare equipment in Lafayette, Louisiana, on Aug. 27 before Hurricane Ida made landfall. (Photo Courtesy: SLEMCO)
SLEMCO employees prepare equipment in Lafayette, Louisiana, on Aug. 27 before Hurricane Ida made landfall. (Photo Courtesy: SLEMCO)
A satellite image of Hurricane Ida on Aug. 29. (Image Courtesy: NOAA)