A Sunny Namesake for Co-op Retiree
By chance, Virginia co-op retiree leases land to solar developer; co-op facility bears his name.
Offering a Different Type of Help to Light a Town
An offer of a different type of help to NRECA International gets a microgrid to Liberia.
Two Co-op Crews, Two Lives Saved
This co-op is flush with hero linemen. They saved two lives in one month.
Co-op Employees Not Immune from Hurricane Damage
Recovery after hurricanes Harvey and Irma will take some co-op families months, but you can help.
TEDx Talk: Broadband for Barns
Equal access to rural broadband is focus of local TEDx talk by Wheat Belt PPD’s Tim Lindahl.
EPA Moves to Repeal Clean Power Plan
EPA plans to repeal the Clean Power Plan, a move NRECA hopes will bring flexibility to co-ops.
Cybersecurity Needs to Be Job One for Everyone
When it comes to cybersecurity, the message to co-ops and members is we’re all in this together.
The Power of Electric Cooperatives Looms Large
Twenty electric co-ops make the 2017 NCB Co-op 100 List.
Veterans and Energy: A Perfect Match
Could the energy industry be a second calling to veterans? Energy Secretary Rick Perry thinks so.