Lawmakers, Co-op Leaders Warn That Electricity Demand Could Outpace Supply
The EPA’s proposed power plant rule would lead to blackouts, NRECA’s CEO said.
Call of the Wild: Texas Co-op Lineman Rescues Baby Lemur Stuck in Tree
In Texas, a desperate member turns to an electric co-op to help rescue her pet lemur.
Along Those Lines: Proactive Safety—Commitment to Zero Contacts and Virtual Reality Training
Hear about the evolution of Commitment to Zero Contacts and its new VR component.
Along Those Lines: Lessons Learned From a Co-op Cyberattack
Hear from Delta-Montrose Electric Association employees on the co-op's 2021 cyberattack.
Along Those Lines: EPA’s Proposed Power Plant Rule Threatens Reliability
Hear from NRECA's Ashley Slater on EPA's proposed rule and the electric co-op response.
Thousands of Co-op Members Voice Opposition to EPA’s Power Plant Rule
The EPA rule threatens reliability and would increase electric bills, NRECA leaders say.
Along Those Lines: Filling the Rural Housing Gap
What are rural leaders, including electric co-ops, doing to fix the rural housing gap?
Along Those Lines: Raising the Alarm on Grid Reliability
Hear from NRECA CEO Jim Matheson and Associated Electric Cooperative CEO David Tudor.
Video: NRECA CEO Jim Matheson Highlights Looming Reliability Challenges
Amid growing reliability threats, NRECA's CEO sat down with Bret Baier to discuss the issue.
Along Those Lines: Getting to Know NRECA President Tony Anderson
Hear from NRECA President Tony Anderson about his career track and his priorities going forward.