Congress Approves Defense Bill That Includes New Grants for Co-ops
Final bill doesn’t include provisions for co-ops to more easily begin carbon-capture programs.
Congress Passes RURAL Act, Preserves Co-ops’ Tax-Exempt Status
RURAL Act is retroactive to 2018 tax year, protecting co-ops that have already accepted grants.
Congress Saves Co-ops Millions in Pension Costs, Repeals ‘Cadillac Tax’
Over 880 co-ops participate in the NRECA retirement plan, which covers more than 56,000 employees.
‘Brother For Life’: Lineworker’s Rescue of Drowning Firefighter Forms Bond
No water rescue training? No problem for Georgia co-op lineworker during life-saving rescue.
Texas Co-op Spearheads Milestone Land Deal to Boost Jobs, Growth in Region
Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative sparks long-overdue economic development in south Texas.
Ohio Co-op Helps Police Dogs Take a Bite—and Sniff—Out of Crime
Co-op warehouse provides ideal training ground for Ohio State Highway Patrol canine units.
Electric Co-op Acquiring Phone Co-op to Pool Broadband Resources for Members
An electric co-op acquires a phone co-op as the missing puzzle piece for deploying broadband.
Department of Energy Honors Co-op Solar and Storage Project at Hawaii Naval Base
Solar power and battery storage in Hawaii are being hailed for their innovation.
Oklahoma’s Electric Co-ops Are Helping Make EV Charging More Convenient
Oklahoma could soon have one of the most extensive public charging networks in the nation.
Co-op Voices, Part 2: How Losing Tax-Exempt Status Would Hurt Rural America
If co-ops lose their tax-exempt status, leaders say they may be forced to raise rates for members.