Arizona Co-op Lineworker Wins ‘Hometown Hero’ Award for Helping Food Bank
“We all have to strive and help out each other,” says Trico Electric Co-op's Jaime Esparza.
House Approves More Pandemic Aid to Help Co-op Members Pay Electric Bills
NRECA keeps pushing to allow co-ops to refinance federal loans at low interest rates.
DOE Awards NRECA $6M to Take Essence Cybersecurity Tool to the Next Level
DOE gives NRECA funds to develop, deploy and test a cybersecurity and grid monitoring tool.
Electric Co-ops Celebrate 25 Years of Commitment to Community, Core Values
Twenty-five years ago, co-op values and concern for community were put down on paper.
FCC Recognizes Co-op’s Senior2Senior Internet Skills Program
Pandemic makes “reliable online access even more critical to the elderly” in rural America.
NRECA’s PAC Has Raised More Than $4 Million for House, Senate Candidates
ACRE is on its way to meeting or exceeding the record $4.2 million it raised for the 2018 election
Tropical Storm Complicates Hurricane Restoration Work for Louisiana Co-ops
Co-op crews head for convention center as tropical storm prompts closure of temporary camp.
Back to (Virtual) School: Co-op Broadband Helps Keep Students Connected
Students in remote communities connect with teachers and classmates thanks to co-op broadband.
Colorado Co-op Helps Disaster-Prone Mountain Community Build a Microgrid
A solar energy grant for the library of a Rocky Mountain hamlet spurred a co-op toward a microgrid
Indiana Awards Electric Co-ops $36 Million to Build Broadband in Unserved Areas
Tipmont REMC will connect more than 2,200 homes and businesses with $16 million in state grants.