In Georgia, Flint Energies Worker Helps Police Catch Thieves in the Act
‘Those two guys aren’t supposed to be there’: Co-op employee helps police nab thieves.
Co-ops Struggle to Fill Job Openings Amid Pandemic-Related Economic Trends
Good-paying jobs at some electric co-ops have been drawing less applicants.
Along Those Lines: Understanding Essence, a Co-op-Created Cyber-Defense System
Learn about a co-op-built tool for detection, visualization and reporting of potential cyberattack
Along Those Lines: ‘A Cultural Reset’—How the Pandemic Has Elevated the Value of Soft Skills at Co-ops
Emotional intelligence and soft skills have taken on a heightened importance amid COVID-19.
Along Those Lines: Harnessing Distributed Wind—Inside the RADWIND Project
Co-ops are helping to broaden the use of wind as a distributed generation resource.
Co-op CEO to Senate: Pass Direct-Pay Incentives, RUS Repricing Legislation
CIPCO has projected that more than 60% of its power will come from wind and solar by 2030.
Florida Electric Co-op Donates $2 Million for Tech Schools, Scholarships
Florida co-op invests in education to help students land high-skill, high-wage jobs.
‘Just Being a Good Neighbor’: S.C. Co-op Builds Roosting Line for Doves
Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative sees the dove roosting project as “being a good neighbor.”
Co-ops’ Push for Direct-Pay Energy Incentives Sees Progress in Senate
A similar House bill also would provide direct-pay incentives to co-ops.
Unprecedented Mail Rate Hike Could Hit Co-ops and Statewides Hard
Effective Aug. 29, USPS will increase rates for nonprofit marketing mail by an average of 7.8%.