Quality of Life
Quality of Life
Electric Co-ops Win Nearly $64M in Latest ReConnect Broadband Funding
Jo-Carroll Energy wins $14 million ReConnect broadband grant to brighten rural communities’ futu
Quality of Life
FCC Recognizes Co-op’s Senior2Senior Internet Skills Program
Pandemic makes “reliable online access even more critical to the elderly” in rural America.
Quality of Life
Back to (Virtual) School: Co-op Broadband Helps Keep Students Connected
Students in remote communities connect with teachers and classmates thanks to co-op broadband.
Quality of Life
Indiana Awards Electric Co-ops $36 Million to Build Broadband in Unserved Areas
Tipmont REMC will connect more than 2,200 homes and businesses with $16 million in state grants.
Quality of Life
Florida Co-op Helps Widen Access to Mental Health Services
Florida co-op is “backbone” for wider access to rural mental health.
Quality of Life
Hurricane Laura: Tracking the Co-op Response
Electric cooperatives are working to restore service to members in the Gulf region even as Hurrica
Quality of Life
Amid Pandemic, S.C. Co-op Rallies Around Co-Worker With Sick Child
South Carolina co-op shows support for co-worker with sick child with giant act of kindness.
Quality of Life
Q&A: Louisiana Co-op Leader Gives Firsthand Perspective on Hurricane Laura Recovery
ALEC CEO Jeffrey Arnold discusses the massive restoration efforts under way after Hurricane Laura.
Quality of Life
Tennessee Co-ops Win $40 Million in State COVID-19 Broadband Grants
For the unserved rural electric co-op member, broadband in their home is “literally life-changin