Our Communities
Our Communities
NRECA International Helps Bangladeshi Utility Modernize Its Service
The Bangladeshi utility helped by NRECA International serves 1.7 million consumers.
Our Communities
USDA Awards $2.7 Billion in Loans to Improve Rural Electric Infrastructure
Loans will go toward 64 projects benefiting nearly 2 million people in 26 states.
Our Communities
Electric Co-op Lands $47 Million From Missouri ARPA Funds for Broadband
It is “not that we had pretty letterhead. It’s just that we made the case” for broadband.
Our Communities
Nueces EC’s Unique Retail Choice Plan Wins Fans in Volatile Texas Power Market
A Texas electric cooperative offers retail choice to increase sales and add value for its members.
Quality of Life
Missouri Co-op Leads Workforce Housing Effort to Boost Local Stock
In Missouri, a quest for “missing middle” housing that’s just right for working families.
Quality of Life
Along Those Lines: What It Takes for Electric Co-ops to Enter the Broadband Space
Hear from co-op experts on what it takes to plan, build and run a broadband business.
Our Communities
Co-op CEO: New Farm Bill Should Prioritize Broadband for Rural America
The Farm Bill will authorize funding to help electric co-ops provide rural broadband service.
Our Communities
‘A Vital Community Project’: Co-op Plants Trees to Aid Wildfire Recovery
Results of co-op-sponsored wildfire restoration projects could last hundreds of years.
Our Communities
Volunteer Co-op Lineworkers Electrify a Mountain Village in Guatemala
Volunteer lineworkers brought light to 81 homes, two churches and a school in Guatemala.
Our Communities
Indiana Co-ops Help Turn Old Hospital Into Spooky Site for Ghost Sleuths
Indiana co-ops support spirited rehab of sanatorium that’s now a tourist attraction.