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Quality of Life
NRECA Welcomes Secretary Perdue’s Comments on the Farm Bill and Rural Economic Development
“We are pleased that Secretary Perdue recognizes the vital role of rural development in this yea
Quality of Life
Trump Task Force: Broadband Vital to Rural America
A White House task force report finds broadband key to lifting sagging economy in rural America.
Economy & Trends
A Major Emergency, a National Spotlight
You wake up to a massive power outage. How did two small electric co-ops cope?
Economy & Trends
Targeting the Scammers Who Rip Off Consumers
Take action on the second annual Utilities United Against Scams Day.
Quality of Life
Honoring a Lineman’s Legacy
Kentucky linemen remember a fallen colleague in a very special way.
Quality of Life
A Sunny Namesake for Co-op Retiree
By chance, Virginia co-op retiree leases land to solar developer; co-op facility bears his name.
Quality of Life
‘The Super Bowl of Linemen’
Co-op lineworkers pit their skills against the world’s best linemen.
Economy & Trends
The Power of Electric Cooperatives Looms Large
Twenty electric co-ops make the 2017 NCB Co-op 100 List.
Economy & Trends
Veterans and Energy: A Perfect Match
Could the energy industry be a second calling to veterans? Energy Secretary Rick Perry thinks so.
Cooperative Development
Co-ops, LBJ and the Vietnam War
New book recounts LBJ’s bid for rural electrification to win “hearts and minds” in South Vie