Our Communities
Quality of Life
USDA to Sponsor Roundtables on Rural Opioid Crisis
Now through July: USDA to sponsor roundtables on rural opioid crisis in four regions.
Quality of Life
Rural Economies to Benefit From USDA Electric Investments
New round of USDA loans for rural electricity will also benefit local economies, says official.
Quality of Life
Now Online: USDA Website on Opioid Crisis and Rural Areas
USDA launches website to help rural communities respond to opioid crisis.
Quality of Life
Co-ops Repair Winter Storm Damage
The worst winter winds since Superstorm Sandy have electric utility crews restoring power in the e
Economy & Trends
NRECA Urges Trump to Drop PMA, TVA Sale
Sell off the PMAs and TVA transmission assets? A non-starter, says NRECA.
Cooperative Development
Concern for Global Community
At NRECA International Luncheon, co-op CEO describes efforts to bring power to Guatemalan villages
Economy & Trends
Budget Proposal a Mixed Bag for Co-ops
Trump's FY19 budget proposal offers deep cuts in LIHEAP, REDLG and a selloff of PMA assets
Economy & Trends
Budget Deal Extends Energy Tax Credits
Budget deal has tax credits co-ops can use for carbon capture and storage, geothermal and nuclear.
Quality of Life
Electric Co-op Leader Takes Helm of RUS
A co-op veteran steeped in efficiency, ingenuity and rural roots takes the helm of USDA's RUS.
Quality of Life
Perdue Outlines Farm Bill Priorities
What could the Farm Bill do to facilitate electric co-ops and rural broadband?