Our Communities
Quality of Life
NRECA Supports Bill to Keep Families Connected to Broadband Amid Pandemic
Lawmakers want to ensure that previous relief funds can pay for permanent broadband infrastructure
Economy & Trends
CoBank Report: Electricity Demand Unlikely to Rebound Until at Least 2022
Higher residential demand could falter as unemployment benefits lapse and disconnections rise.
Quality of Life
Wisconsin Co-ops Launch ‘License to Live’ Educational Campaign for Drivers
Close call by young driver and downed power line inspired co-ops to produce safety video.
Our Communities
Mississippi Co-op Wins $16M Broadband Grant From USDA ReConnect Program
A “historic day” for a Mississippi co-op building a $60 million rural broadband network.
Quality of Life
Potato Farmers Served by Electric Co-ops Face COVID-19 Challenges
Potato farmers are already faced with a crop surplus as they prepare for the August harvest.
Quality of Life
Co-op Voices, Part 2: The Expanding Financial Toll of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Growing unemployment and declines in tourism, agriculture and oil prices are affecting co-ops.
Cooperative Development
Co-ops Staff Up on Beneficial Electrification to Meet Members’ Needs
Beneficial electrification employees meet members’ demands for energy efficiency, cost savings.
Quality of Life
Co-op Voices: The Expanding Financial Toll of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Some co-op members are having trouble paying their electric bills after being laid off their jobs.
Economy & Trends
COVID-19 Concerns Fuel Uncertainty for Farmers, Ranchers in Co-op Country
The COVID-19 pandemic is depressing prices for products that co-op members produce on their farms.
Economy & Trends
Electric Co-ops Face $10 Billion Revenue Loss by 2022 Due to COVID-19
NRECA urges policymakers to act as electric co-ops face a $10 billion revenue loss from COVID-19.