Our Communities
Quality of Life
Electric Co-op Gas Business Keeps It Local With Homegrown Rate Commission
An electric co-op’s innovative commission for its gas unit shows “concern for community.”
Quality of Life
Minn. Co-op CEO Touts Voluntary Monarch Conservation Efforts to Congress
East Central Energy became the first co-op enrolled in a monarch conservation agreement.
Cooperative Development
NRECA International Uses Drones to Improve Electric Service in Bangladesh
The project in Bangladesh is the first time that NRECA International has used drones.
Our Communities
Electric Co-ops Help Get World’s Biggest Pollinator Party Started
Even large companies can learn a lot from what co-ops are doing for pollinators.
Quality of Life
NRECA, Co-ops Apply for Federal Grants to Bring EVs to Low-Income Rural Areas
Co-ops want to install EV charging at locations such as low-income apartments and medical faciliti
Quality of Life
Oregon Co-op Helps Growing Community Ease Housing Crunch
Oregon co-op helps struggling timber town rebrand itself with high-tech solutions.
Our Communities
Minnesota Co-ops Help Pass Law That Favors Beneficial Electrification
Minnesota’s new energy policy allows co-ops to grow their load with lower emissions.
Quality of Life
NRECA to Congress: Be Bold in Funding Broadband That Meets Future Demand
An estimated 35% of rural Americans don’t have access to broadband from any provider.
Quality of Life
Commerce Secretary Sees ‘Mississippi Miracle’ of Rural Broadband at Co-op
“Where we started and where we are in less than a year is part of the ‘Mississippi miracle.’
Quality of Life
Florida Electric Co-op Donates $2 Million for Tech Schools, Scholarships
Florida co-op invests in education to help students land high-skill, high-wage jobs.