Issues and Policy
FCC Recognizes Co-op’s Senior2Senior Internet Skills Program
Pandemic makes “reliable online access even more critical to the elderly” in rural America.
Back to (Virtual) School: Co-op Broadband Helps Keep Students Connected
Students in remote communities connect with teachers and classmates thanks to co-op broadband.
Indiana Awards Electric Co-ops $36 Million to Build Broadband in Unserved Areas
Tipmont REMC will connect more than 2,200 homes and businesses with $16 million in state grants.
Reliability and Affordability
Unique Challenges: Rebuilding Transmission Following Major Storms
G&T execs offer insights on emergency system reconstruction after major weather events.
Energy Innovation
Co-op Program Will Rate, Educate Car Dealers On Electric Vehicles
Co-ops often complain that local car dealers lack basic knowledge about electric vehicles.
Tennessee Co-ops Win $40 Million in State COVID-19 Broadband Grants
For the unserved rural electric co-op member, broadband in their home is “literally life-changin
Energy Innovation
North Carolina Co-ops Get $700,000 to Expand EV Charging Network
Money from the Volkswagen settlement is funding electric vehicle charging stations throughout N.C.
Energy Innovation
‘Brighter Future’: N.C. Co-ops Pledge to Hit Zero-Net Carbon by 2050
NC electric co-ops’ “Brighter Future” goes beyond power generation to enrich communities.
Tax and Financing
Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Urge Leaders to Include Co-op Debt Relief in COVID Bill
Repricing co-ops’ federal debt could help them invest in broadband or replace aging equipment.