Along Those Lines: What It Takes for Electric Co-ops to Enter the Broadband Space
Hear from co-op experts on what it takes to plan, build and run a broadband business.
Co-op CEO: New Farm Bill Should Prioritize Broadband for Rural America
The Farm Bill will authorize funding to help electric co-ops provide rural broadband service.
Q&A: Electric Co-ops’ Top Policy Priorities for 2023
NRECA is working to shape a new Farm Bill that will have a big impact on rural America.
Alabama Awards $82.4M to Electric Co-ops for Broadband Middle Mile
Electric co-ops form the Fiber Utility Network to build broadband middle-mile in Alabama.
Tennessee Awards $198 Million to Electric Co-ops to Build Rural Broadband
Tennessee enjoys “a historic day for electric co-ops and the communities we serve.”
Along Those Lines: Introducing NRECA Broadband
NRECA leaders discuss what went into the decision to form NRECA Broadband and where it’s headed.
NRECA Broadband Launches to Boost Telecom Advocacy and Resources
NRECA Broadband gives co-ops a “united voice in Washington” to vie with big telecom.
Alabama Co-op Partners With Trade School to Train Fiber Techs, Lineworkers
Cullman EC gave $80,000 so broadband and lineworker students can train with the latest gear.
New Mexico Co-op Expanding Broadband to All Zuni Nation Members by Summer
Zuni Nation works with Continental Divide Electric to deploy universal broadband.
Co-ops in Georgia Awarded $130M in Rescue Plan Broadband Grants
Georgia electric co-op pursued ARPA grants to meet “the need our members have for broadband.”