Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
Alaska Co-op, Local Partners Make Energy Efficiency Open For All
Alaska co-op works with local energy groups to widen access to renewable energy
Renewable Energy
G&T CEO Says MIT Decarbonization Study Sets Off Reliability Alarm Bells
Co-op power executive urges thoughtful discussions about the future of fossil fuel generation.
Renewable Energy
Along Those Lines: Harnessing Distributed Wind—Inside the RADWIND Project
Co-ops are helping to broaden the use of wind as a distributed generation resource.
Renewable Energy
Co-ops’ Push for Direct-Pay Energy Incentives Sees Progress in Senate
A similar House bill also would provide direct-pay incentives to co-ops.
Renewable Energy
Kentucky Co-op Will Deliver Solar Power to World’s Only Corvette Factory
GM and a Kentucky co-op will connect to solar power to build Corvettes with renewable energy.
Renewable Energy
NRECA to Congress: Give Co-ops Direct-Pay Incentives for Clean Energy
Electric co-ops and public power utilities serve nearly 30% of all retail customers in the nation.
Renewable Energy
Tennessee Whiskey Adds Solar Power to the Mix With Co-op and TVA Help
An iconic whiskey brand is getting solar power with help from its electric co-op and TVA.
Renewable Energy
Colorado Co-op Helps Make ‘Homes of the Future’ Affordable for Working Families
Holy Cross Energy is playing a key role in affordable, net-zero housing for the local workforce.
Renewable Energy
Along Those Lines: Making Solar Power Accessible to Low-Income Members
NRECA is partnering with seven co-ops across the country to deploy solar projects that help LMI me
Renewable Energy
Colorado Co-op’s Empower Program Helps Make Energy Efficiency Affordable
Energy efficiency and economic development, in Colorado’s High Desert: An electric co-op seizes