Energy & Technology
Renewable Energy
Department of Energy Honors Co-op Solar and Storage Project at Hawaii Naval Base
Solar power and battery storage in Hawaii are being hailed for their innovation.
Oklahoma’s Electric Co-ops Are Helping Make EV Charging More Convenient
Oklahoma could soon have one of the most extensive public charging networks in the nation.
‘Value Right Out of the Gate’: Energy Storage Pays Off for a Vermont Co-op
An electric co-op hammers out model for a utility-scale energy storage without upfront capital cos
Energy Supply
Flexible Approach Important to Energy Sector Transition, Matheson Tells Congress
Co-ops always focus on providing reliable and affordable power to the communities they serve.
Ag Secretary Spotlights a Co-op With First ReConnect Broadband Grant
Forked Deer EC says ReConnect grant will help deliver broadband to “forgotten America.”
Renewable Energy
DOE Selects NRECA for Wind Energy Research Initiative
NRECA will team with co-ops around the country to increase understanding of the potential benefits
Research Begins in South Dakota on Utility-Connected Home
A utility-connected home could save money for both consumer-members and co-ops.
N.C. Co-ops Invest $1 Million in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
North Carolina co-ops are creating one of the largest co-op-owned EV charging networks.