Energy Supply
Energy Supply
Saving Money with ‘Beat the Peak’
How much money can you save when you “Beat the Peak? Millions, according to one co-op.
Energy Supply
Are Microgrids the Wave of the Future?
Co-ops in Alaska and other remote areas could teach the world a thing or two about microgrids.
Energy Supply
Perry Hails Co-ops for Energy Security
Energy Secretary Rick Perry drew a rousing response at the NRECA Legislative Conference.
Energy Supply
EPA’s Pruitt Gets Co-op View
Visiting a Missouri co-op, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt talks about an American energy policy.
Energy Supply
Westinghouse Bankruptcy Raises Questions on Nuclear Projects
Co-ops eye Westinghouse bankruptcy for clues to future of nuclear projects.
Energy Supply
Co-ops Applaud Clean Power Plan Executive Order
“Affordable and reliable power is fundamental to a successful economy. We appreciate the Trump a
Energy Supply
Keeping Energy Efficiency at Home
NRECA is seeking national energy-efficiency standards for manufactured homes.
Energy Supply
Electric Co-ops’ Solar Projects Growing in Size and Scope
The SUNDA project aims to accelerate the deployment of PV solar by converting the real-world lesso
Energy Supply
Cyber Crime: What Electric Co-ops Can Do
Where’s the cyber crook? Maybe in a basement apartment in the Ukraine. Maybe sipping an espresso
Energy Supply
Utilities Find Slow Going on Columbia River Treaty
Electricity users in the Pacific Northwest pay more than they should.