Energy Supply
Energy Supply
S.C. Co-ops Back Halt of Nuclear Build
After billions spent, S. C. co-ops favor halt of new nuclear units at V.C. Summer.
Energy Supply
Saving Money with ‘Beat the Peak’
How much money can you save when you “Beat the Peak? Millions, according to one co-op.
Energy Supply
Are Microgrids the Wave of the Future?
Co-ops in Alaska and other remote areas could teach the world a thing or two about microgrids.
Energy Supply
Perry Hails Co-ops for Energy Security
Energy Secretary Rick Perry drew a rousing response at the NRECA Legislative Conference.
Energy Supply
EPA’s Pruitt Gets Co-op View
Visiting a Missouri co-op, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt talks about an American energy policy.
Energy Supply
Westinghouse Bankruptcy Raises Questions on Nuclear Projects
Co-ops eye Westinghouse bankruptcy for clues to future of nuclear projects.
Energy Supply
Co-ops Applaud Clean Power Plan Executive Order
“Affordable and reliable power is fundamental to a successful economy. We appreciate the Trump a
Energy Supply
Keeping Energy Efficiency at Home
NRECA is seeking national energy-efficiency standards for manufactured homes.
Energy Supply
Electric Co-ops’ Solar Projects Growing in Size and Scope
The SUNDA project aims to accelerate the deployment of PV solar by converting the real-world lesso
Energy Supply
Cyber Crime: What Electric Co-ops Can Do
Where’s the cyber crook? Maybe in a basement apartment in the Ukraine. Maybe sipping an espresso