The Cooperative Advantage
The Cooperative Advantage
Co-op Director Saves a Stranger’s Life While in D.C. for Legislative Conference
Utah electric co-op director uses CPR to revive a man who collapsed in a street.
The Cooperative Advantage
Minn. Co-op Works With Local College to Turn Vintage Truck Electric
Freeborn Mower’s 1946 Chevy truck will now appear in local parades as an EV.
The Cooperative Advantage
Georgia Co-op Crew Jumps Into Action After Witnessing Van Strike Golf Cart
Georgia lineworkers employed their first-aid and safety training at an accident scene.
The Cooperative Advantage
Legislative Conference Attendees Hit Capitol Hill With Messaging on Co-ops’ Top Policy Issues
Top issues for co-ops include the EPA power plant rule and funding for the New ERA program.
The Cooperative Advantage
New Jersey Co-op Lineworkers Help Bear Cub Stranded in Tree
For Sussex REC, member service extends to four-legged friends.
The Cooperative Advantage
Georgia Co-op’s First STEM Day Promotes Energy Careers for High Schoolers
‘This is right up my alley!’ Co-op's STEM Day opens young minds to energy careers.
The Cooperative Advantage
Co-op Leaders Take Reliability Message to Capitol Hill, Federal Agencies
“Your voices matter,” NRECA CEO Jim Matheson told co-op leaders at Legislative Conference.
Co-op 101
Along Those Lines: ‘In the Blink of an Eye’—Devastating Incident Becomes Teaching Tool
United Electric's Branden Bauer has made a mission of telling his story to help others.
Co-op 101
Electric Co-op Facts & Figures
This fact sheet provides an overview of America’s electric cooperative network.
The Cooperative Advantage
Co-op Volunteers From Five States Will Help Bring Power to Navajo Nation
More than 13,000 homes in Navajo Nation do not have power.