The Cooperative Advantage
Grassroots Strength
Co-ops Play Role in Record-Setting National Voter Registration Day
In rural downtowns, office lobbies and college campuses, co-ops help register voters.
Co-op 101
For Christine Hallquist, Co-op Experience Is Key in Vermont Governor Campaign
Co-op leadership, rural advocacy provide training ground for Hallquist’s run for governor.
Community Involvement
A Thankful Widow Praises Co-op Lineworkers Came to Her Aid One Stormy Night
When lightning bumped an 84-year-old widow out of bed, who did she call? Her co-op, of course.
Grassroots Strength
Along Those Lines, Episode 1: Rural America and the Midterms
In the debut of NRECA's podcast, CEO Jim Matheson encourages co-op members to vote this November.
Co-op 101
Florence Recovery: Co-op Power Restoration Means All Hands on Deck
A lot of seen and unseen work goes on when the lights go out for electric co-op members.
Grassroots Strength
Midterm Elections: What Co-ops Are Doing to Reach Rural Voters and Candidates
Your vote counts! That’s the message co-ops are sending to members in lead-up to midterms.
Co-op 101
Facing #Florence: Co-ops’ Social Media Outreach
Updates and photos from co-op social media profiles in the aftermath of Florence.
Co-op 101
Florence Photo Gallery: Scenes From Co-ops’ Storm Response
Check out photos of the response to Florence in co-op service territories.
Co-op 101
Co-op Power Restoration Efforts Continue Amid Florence’s Flooding Threats
Florence is now a major flooding event in the Carolinas and mid-Atlantic, as co-op crews work nons
Co-op 101
Information Hub: Electric Co-ops and Florence
A look at the co-ops in the path of Florence, mutual aid efforts and sources for outage info.