The Cooperative Advantage
The Cooperative Advantage
Ozarks Electric Cooperative Helps Create Cycling Sports Destination
Ozarks EC is helping to turn Fayetteville, Arkansas, into a cycling destination.
The Cooperative Advantage
NRECA International’s Dan Waddle Named to Cooperative Hall of Fame
Dan Waddle only meant to work with NRECA International for a year but fell in love with the job.
The Cooperative Advantage
Seven Co-ops Take Top 10 Spots in J.D. Power Customer Satisfaction Poll
Most top 20 spots in 2021 J.D. Power customer satisfaction poll go to electric co-ops.
The Cooperative Advantage
NRECA Works to Achieve More Legislative Gains for Co-ops in 2022
NRECA will work to pass direct-pay incentives and RUS loan repricing bills for co-ops.
Co-op 101
East Coast Snowstorm: Co-ops Start 2022 With Power Restoration Challenges
Mid-Atlantic co-op crews, contractors restore power after early January snowstorm.
Co-op 101
Co-op Crews Restoring Power After Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Destructive Winds
The storms knocked out power to more than 100,000 meters served by co-ops in six states.
Co-op 101
The Co-op Stories That Caught Your Attention in 2021
From a dramatic lineworker rescue to extreme weather, see the most-read stories of 2021.
The Cooperative Advantage
‘Awesome Day’: Co-op Pulls Out All the Stops for Young Cancer Survivor
A young cancer survivor has learned what it’s like to be part of his electric cooperative.
The Cooperative Advantage
House Passes Direct-Pay Incentives for Co-ops; Bill Heads to Senate
The bill also includes $10 billion for co-ops to voluntarily move from coal to renewables.
The Cooperative Advantage
North Dakota Co-ops Work to Help Solve School Food Supply Chain Problem
NDAREC is working with the U.S. Postal Service to help deliver food to schools.