Grassroots Strength
Grassroots Strength
Co-op Voices, Part 1: How Losing Tax-Exempt Status Would Hurt Rural Residents
Co-op CEOs fear the tax change will force them to raise rates for struggling consumer-members.
Grassroots Strength
Q&A: RURAL Act’s Lead Sponsors Say Co-op Voices Are Key to Bill’s Success
Rural communities would suffer most if co-ops lose their tax-exempt status, lawmakers say.
Grassroots Strength
Co-ops Target Rural Voters for National Registration Day Events
Co-ops Vote focuses on registering rural voters to boost members’ clout in Congress, statehouses
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Along Those Lines, Episode 12: The Push for Congress to Save Co-ops’ Tax-Exempt Status
In the latest podcast episode, learn why it's vital for Congress to pass the RURAL Act.
Grassroots Strength
Q&A: How Co-op Priorities Are Faring in Congress This Year
Congress has less than two months of legislative days left this year to pass co-op priorities.
Grassroots Strength
NRECA’s PAC Has Raised More Money Than Last Year for Federal Candidates
Co-op directors, eligible employees and consumer-members contribute an average of $65 a year to AC
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Matheson: Credibility Gives Electric Co-ops a Leg Up in Congress
At Legislative Conference, co-ops learn their advantage over others knocking on doors on Capitol H
Grassroots Strength
Federal Leaders Urge Co-ops to Make Their Voices Heard on Behalf of Rural America
Members of Congress from both parties said they listen to co-ops as a voice of rural America.
Grassroots Strength
DOE Official Touts Value of Federal Operation of Hydro Facilities
Co-op leaders questioned a DOE official about a proposal to sell off federal transmission lines.
Grassroots Strength
Tennessee Turnover: Wave of Freshman Legislators Activates Statewide Association on Co-op Message
What Tennessee’s electric co-op association did when Election Day reaped a huge turnover.