Grassroots Strength
Grassroots Strength
New Legislation in Congress to Reprice RUS Loans Could Save Co-ops Billions
The bill would provide a huge boost for co-ops struggling with the financial impacts of COVID-19.
Grassroots Strength
Congress Approves $320 Billion More in COVID-19 Aid That Could Help Co-ops
The impact on co-ops of lost electric sales and unpaid bills could total $10 billion through 2022.
Grassroots Strength
NRECA Seeks Federal Relief for Co-ops as Members Struggle to Pay Bills
Co-ops need loans and consumers need broadband access during the pandemic, NRECA told Congress.
Grassroots Strength
Co-op Aid Included in Coronavirus Relief Bill
The Department of Agriculture has also eased RUS loan requirements for co-ops.
Grassroots Strength
Along Those Lines: Co-op Voters and the 2020 Elections
With 2020 elections looming, we’re discussing political engagement in co-op country.
Grassroots Strength
Congress Passes RURAL Act, Preserves Co-ops’ Tax-Exempt Status
RURAL Act is retroactive to 2018 tax year, protecting co-ops that have already accepted grants.
Grassroots Strength
Congress Saves Co-ops Millions in Pension Costs, Repeals ‘Cadillac Tax’
Over 880 co-ops participate in the NRECA retirement plan, which covers more than 56,000 employees.
Grassroots Strength
Co-op Voices, Part 2: How Losing Tax-Exempt Status Would Hurt Rural America
If co-ops lose their tax-exempt status, leaders say they may be forced to raise rates for members.
Grassroots Strength
Q&A: Senate’s Lead RURAL Act Sponsors Discuss Their Strategy for Passage
More than a third of the U.S. Senate has now signed on to co-sponsor the RURAL Act.
Grassroots Strength
As Majority of House Signs On to RURAL Act, Lead Sponsors Press for Vote
RURAL Act supporters now have more ammunition to convince House leaders to bring the bill to a vot