Our Communities
New Mexico Co-op Expanding Broadband to All Zuni Nation Members by Summer
Zuni Nation works with Continental Divide Electric to deploy universal broadband.
In Colorado Wilderness, ‘Miniature Hoover Dam’ Marks a Decade in Business
In the Colorado wilderness, a model single-phase hydroelectric project turns 10.
Energy & Technology
NRECA CEO to Congress: Electricity Transition Efforts Must Be Realistic
Congress can help co-ops by providing direct-pay incentives and streamlining permits.
Energy & Technology
NRECA Pioneers Dual-Disaster Tabletop Drill With Co-ops, State Officials
Drill connecting co-ops and states to tackle dual disasters “worth its weight in gold.”
Energy & Technology
NRECA Asks Postal Service to Drop Rate Hikes in Light of Reform Act Relief
The recently passed Postal Reform Act will not ease record-high rates authorized last year.
Energy & Technology
North Carolina Co-ops Launch Battery Project for Utility-Scale Storage
“We are basically deferring the need for future generation to be built.”
Energy & Technology
NRECA: Supreme Court Should Preserve States’ Power to Set Fossil Plant Emissions
Electric co-ops say states, not EPA can set power plant levels of greenhouse gas emissions.
Our Communities
Co-ops in Georgia Awarded $130M in Rescue Plan Broadband Grants
Georgia electric co-op pursued ARPA grants to meet “the need our members have for broadband.”
Energy & Technology
Q&A: Texas Co-ops Weigh In on Grid Reforms a Year After 2021 Freeze
Electric co-ops see value in steps taken to reform Texas grid operations after 2021 freeze.
Our Communities
Fair Trade: School Goes EV With Co-op’s Help, Turns Old Bus Into a Café
In Missouri, teachers and students repurpose old diesel school bus into school café.