Electric cooperatives are facing workforce challenges due to an ongoing wave of retirements and rapid changes in the industry’s key technologies. At the same time, military veterans rotating out of active duty and into civilian life bring training and expertise that’s often ideally suited to co-ops’ needs.
In honor of Veterans Day this month, we talk to three veterans who served their country and now focus their skills on their communities as co-op employees:
- Josef Chesney, cybersecurity analyst with Powder Ridge Energy Corp. in Wyoming and an Air Force veteran.
- Elina Hobbs, billing specialist at Sam Houston Electric Cooperative in Texas and a Navy veteran.
- Brad Rockwell, chief operating officer at Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative in Hawaii and a Navy veteran.
And to learn more the Vets Power Us program, we’re joined by NRECA’s Desiree Dunham, who manages this effort to help veterans explore co-op career opportunities and offer co-ops resources for recruiting and supporting veteran employees.
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