Second in a two-part series for Cybersecurity Awareness Month: The proliferation of electric vehicles into the U.S. market is only expected to accelerate in the coming decades as more and more car manufacturers expand their fleets into the EV space. But as utilities, including electric cooperatives, and other interests work to build EV infrastructure that can keep pace with the expected demand, this growing web of connected charging stations will create a host of new cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
To learn more about what those vulnerabilities are and how to mitigate them, we’re joined by Shannon Murry with the FBI’s Cyber Division along with Brian Sloboda, NRECA consumer solutions director and the association’s point person on EVs.
Listen to the episode below:
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Check out part 1 of our October cybersecurity series, in which cyber experts from the FBI and NRECA explain how co-ops can avoid becoming victims of ransomware and what they should do if they’re attacked.
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