October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so Season 2 of Along Those Lines kicks off with a look at co-ops’ role in protecting the national electric grid.
The grid plays an essential role in the lives of all Americans, and a strong emphasis on cybersecurity is vital to keeping it safe. Electric co-ops, which control 42% of America’s electric lines spread over 56% of the country’s landmass, do their part by training staff and partnering with national organizations to maximize their cyberpreparedness.
In this episode, you’ll hear from Co-Mo Electric Cooperative’s Ryan Newlon, who’s also a member of the Missouri National Guard. He’s been working with the Guard on two projects that focus on understanding real-life threats and defense strategies for cybersecurity. We’re also joined by NRECA’s Barry Lawson to discuss how the association and its member co-ops work with key government agencies on cybersecurity.
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