The beneficial electrification movement—using electricity to replace fossil fuels for everything from mowing your lawn to powering your car—has gained momentum and led to the formation of the Beneficial Electrification League.
With chapters in states across the country and a national board, the league’s mission is to increase understanding of electrification’s economic, consumer and environmental benefits.
The league’s co-chair, Gary Connett, formerly of Great River Energy, and Tri-State G&T CEO Duane Highley, who heads its Colorado chapter, chat with us about their goals for the group and how co-ops are getting involved.
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Related Content:
Beneficial Electrification Group: ‘A League of Their Own’
Co-ops Staff Up on Beneficial Electrification to Meet Members’ Needs
Along Those Lines: Beneficial Electrification 101
Cooperative.com Resources on Beneficial Electrification
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