Microgrids. Distributed energy resources. Smart meters and two-way flow of power and data. What does all of this mean for how we consume electricity, and how will it continue to change in the future?
In this episode of Along Those Lines, we tackle the evolving grid and zero in on electric co-ops’ unique position to not only plug into this trend but to be trailblazers in using new technology to meet consumer needs.
Our host, RE Magazine Editor Scot Hoffman, talks to three experts:
- Jim Spiers, NRECA senior vice president for business & technology strategies
- Patty Richards, CEO of Washington Electric Cooperative in Vermont
- Lee Ragsdale, senior vice president for grid infrastructure and compliance at North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives
Listen to the episode below:
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Find out more about NRECA’s podcast. Questions or suggestions? Email us at AlongThoseLines@nreca.coop.