Advertise in this unique podcast about the issues that matter most to rural America and the energy industry.
NRECA’s award-winning podcast is focused on the important stories from across co-op country about the issues that matter most to rural America and the energy industry.
Podcast listeners often take action in direct response to hearing a sponsorship message:
- 45% visit a sponsor’s website*
- 42% consider a new product or service*
- 37% gather more information about a product or company*
*IAB-Edison Research Podcast Advertising Study 2016
Podcast Advertising
Advertisers receive a variety of mentions throughout the podcast episode.
- Pre-roll ad (15 seconds), placed before the show content begins.
- Mid-roll ad (30 seconds), generally placed mid-show (40-70% into content).
- End recognition and thank you from our podcast host.
- Logo branding in the episode guide page.
$3,000 per episode