Reserve & Place Your Ad Now

Reach today's power players by advertising in RE Magazine.

Please reach out to your National Account Manager to reserve advertising space in RE Magazine.  Due Dates are listed in the Editorial Calendar; please be sure to book your space on or before the published “Reservation Due Date.”

Contact us today to get started.

Send your artwork on time!

Our magazine has published mail dates that cannot be delayed. To help us in the process, we count on you to submit your artwork on-time and error-free. Check your Material Due Date.

Submitting an ad to RE Magazine is simple. Just size your ad correctly, make sure it conforms to our printing requirements and upload it to our user-friendly SendMyAd portal. The portal will automatically pre-flight your ad file to ensure that it’s set to our printer’s specifications.

Our portal also lets you:

  • Download InDesign templates and printing presets
  • Adjust and deliver your artwork with simple tools
  • Get instant preflight results
  • Check ad specifications, reservations, and due dates

Preflight and deliver at

A common problem that we get with uploaded ad material is a low-res warning. This could happen when the ad is converted to a PDF. Please make sure that when exporting the PDF the option for High Resolution Print PDF is selected. Another possible issue could be with the photos being placed/linked in the InDesign file. Open the links panel (Window/Links) and when you click on a photo it should say in that panel that it’s CMYK and 300dpi or greater.

Note: Artwork received after 5PM EST on the Material Due Date, will incur a $250 late fee and any applicable rush or art correction fees. If errors are found in artwork received less than 24 hours in advance of our deadline, we will make corrections, if possible, on your behalf (with applicable fees). We recommend sending your artwork with ample time to make your own corrections, should any errors arise.

The quality of reproduction cannot be guaranteed if RE Magazine’s specifications are not adhered to or if the material is received after our copy deadlines.

For more details on setting up an advertiser account, managing your ads and submitting or adjustment ads, download the SendMyAd User Guide (PDF).

For questions about submitting your ad material, please contact Veronica Franco at 703-907-6733 or email

Please note: Our submission method is PDF. Before going to press, all art files will be converted to PDF and sent through a preflight operation. To ensure your artwork prints properly, please read the Submission Instructions below carefully. There you will find our print preset and preflight settings, available for download.

Print Process

  • Four-Color Press, Web Offset, Computer-to-Plate (CTP) printing technology

Binding Method

  • Monthly issues are saddle-stitched, with the exception of certain special issues that are perfect bound.

Platforms Supported

  • MS Windows or Mac

Software Supported

  • Adobe Design Suite, QuarkXPress, Macromedia FreeHand

Acceptable File Types

  • PDF


  • Ad should be created at 100% of final print size. This should correspond to the sizes published on the display advertising page, and should adhere to the ad size you reserved.
  • Crop marks must be placed into the page layout at the trim line. When exporting your ad to a PDF, the trim box must show correctly. Any bleed will extend beyond the crop line/trim box.
  • ALL full page ads MUST be sized to 8.125″ x 10.875.” If your ad bleeds, there will be an additional 1/8″ on all sides beyond the trim line. If your ad does not bleed, the live area should be sized to 7″ x 10″, centered on the page.
  • All ads must be positioned horizontally. Any ads that need to be read by turning the magazine will not be published.
  • Do not use the predefined “hairline” width rule within drawing or page layout applications.


  • Use Adobe fonts.
  • Do not use style options to customize a font; use the actual font itself.
  • All white type should be set to KO (knockout).
  • Black text should be 100% black (not a build).


  • All colors must be CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK) – no exceptions made
  • Maximum Ink Density: 310% for any printing area.
  • Preferred color setting: US Web Coated (SWOP) v2
  • IMPORTANT: PDF files display on your monitor in RGB color, which could be misleading and should not be used as a way to check for color accuracy!


  • Color Images: 300ppi at final size
  • Line art: minimum 600ppi, prefer 1200ppi
  • Grayscale images: 300ppi

For more information on mechanical specifications, please contact Veronica Franco at 703-907-6733 or email

  1. The publisher is the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (hereinafter referred to as the publisher). All advertisement content is subject to the approval of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to reject, modify or cancel any advertisement, insertion order, space reservation or position commitment at any time.
  2. Advertisements are accepted and published upon the representation that the advertiser and its agency have the right to publish the contents thereof. In consideration of such publication, the advertiser and its agency agree to indemnify and hold the publisher harmless from and against any expense or loss including, but not limited to, all claims, causes of action, loss, liability, damages, proceedings, judgments and penalties and all costs and expenses including attorney fees and expenses, proceedings costs and expenses, arising out of publication of advertisements, including but not limited to, those resulting from claims and suits for libel, copyright and trademark infringement, plagiarism, violations of rights of privacy and express and implied warranties.
  3. The publisher reserves the right to insert the word “Advertisement” or “Sponsor Content” above advertisements that, in the sole judgment of the publisher, resemble the editorial pages of the publication.
  4. The positioning of advertisements is at the discretion of the publisher except where a request for a specific preferred position is paid for by the advertiser and is acknowledged by the publisher in writing. Should a specific preferred position not be available when pagination is done, an advertiser or agent will be notified by its Advertising Account Representative.
  5. The advertiser or its agency may not make cancellations or changes to insertion orders after the Reservation Due Date. If space is cancelled after the deadline or material received too late, the advertiser will be charged for the advertisement.
  6. All insertion orders are accepted subject to the provisions of our current Media Kit and these terms and conditions. If needed, after publication of the printed version of the Media Kit, changes and/or updates will be made to the online Media Kit.
  7. These terms and conditions, other than rates, are subject to change by the publisher without notice.
  8. Rates are subject to change upon notice from the publisher. Incorrect rates on insertion orders that do not correspond to the current rates being charged will be regarded as clerical errors, and the advertisement will be published and charged at the applicable rates in effect at the time of publication. Should a change in rates be made, space reserved may be canceled by the advertiser or its agency at the time the change becomes effective without incurring short-rate charges, provided the advertisement(s) published to the date of cancellation are consistent with the appropriate frequency or volume rate. Cancellation of space reservations for any other reason in whole or part by the advertiser or its agency will result in an adjustment of the rate (short-rate) based on past and subsequent insertions to reflect actual space used at the earned frequency or volume rate.
  9. Fifteen percent of gross advertising charges after any discounts are applied for print publications to recognized agencies for Display Advertising for space, color, and position only provided the invoice is paid within 30 days of the invoice date. Advertisements must be prepared in accordance with the production specifications to qualify for the agency commission. No commission is paid on other services such as, but not limited to, special advertising options, reprints, other mechanical, or production charges. No commission is paid on advertisements appearing in the Staffing (Employment Advertising) section. No cash discounts apply.
  10. All space reservations are subject to the payment requirements of the publisher. Display Advertising [advertisements not located in the Employment Advertising section]: payment is due within 30 days of receipt of invoice. The publisher will hold the advertiser and its advertising agency jointly and severally liable for such monies as are due and payable to the publisher for advertising, which the advertiser or its agency ordered and which advertising was published. The publisher will not release any advertising agency from liability even if a sequential liability clause is included in the contract, insertion order, purchase order, or any other written documentation from the advertising agency. Employment Advertising must be prepaid.
  11. The publisher will cancel an insertion order if the advertiser or its agency fails to pay overdue accounts or any advertisement fails to meet the specifications and guidelines provided by the publisher. Overdue accounts will be turned over to a collection agency.
  12. Advertisers and agencies, which have never advertised with the publisher or have not advertised within the previous five years, must pay the full amount due for its advertisement at time of submission of its insertion order.
  13. No conditions other than those set forth in the Media Kit will be binding on the publisher unless specifically agreed to, in writing, by the publisher. The publisher will not be bound by conditions printed or appearing in the insertion order, purchase order, or any other written documentation from the advertiser or its advertising agency. The terms and conditions contained herein should govern the relations.
  14. The publisher will not be liable for any costs or damages if for any reason it fails to publish an advertisement.
  15. The publisher will not create advertisements for advertisers. Print advertisements must be prepared and submitted as described in the Ad Sizes & Requirements and Submission Methods sections of the Media Kit.
  16. The publisher does not proof advertisements. All advertisers and their agents are responsible for carefully proofing its advertisement before sending it to the publisher.
  17. The publisher will add the actual cost of reproducing the page containing the advertisement to the invoice if the advertiser and/or its agency find an error in their advertisement after the publisher processed the page containing the submitted advertisement and the advertiser or its agency resubmit the advertisement materials in time for a replacement to be made.
  18. The publisher will not make any changes to previously published advertisements for advertisers or their agencies.
  19. The publisher assumes no liability for errors in the advertisers index (section entitled “This Month’s Advertisers”).
  20. The publisher will make a reasonable effort to retain an archive of published Display Advertisements as described in the Display Advertising section; however, no guarantee is made that an advertisement will be available for future use. The publisher recommends that the advertiser and/or its agency keep an electronic copy of advertisements. Archived advertisements may be reprinted exactly as originally published in future issue(s).
  21. Claims for printing errors must be brought to the attention of your Advertising Account Representative within 30 calendar days following the last day of the month printed on the cover of the issue containing the advertisement. No investigation or remedy will occur after this time period. No remedy will be made if either no proof or a proof that did not meet the specifications of the publisher was submitted with the advertisement. The liability of the publisher for any error will not exceed the charge for the advertisement in question.
  22. The publisher is not liable for delays in the delivery and/or non-delivery to subscribers and bonus distribution sites if events beyond the control of the publisher impeding production and/or delivery arise.
  23. RE Magazine Home Page Advertising Opportunities and Electronic Edition Advertising Opportunities must be prepared and submitted as described in the Online Advertising section. Online advertisements are not archived.
  24. The Staffing (Employment Advertising) section, both print and online, is open to all entities and is not limited to electric cooperatives.
  25. All advertisements submitted for publication must be truthful and not misleading to consumers.
  26. All advertisers and/or their agents must be able to substantiate all express and implied claims made in their advertisements submitted for publication in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and guidelines.
  27. All advertisers and/or their agents must include, when necessary, clear and conspicuous language disclosing any information required by law to prevent an advertisement from being perceived as misleading.
  28. Ads should clearly represent advertiser’s company, product, service or brand being advertised.
  29. All advertisers and/or their agents must receive prior authorization from individuals, either named or pictured in the advertisement, to use their name or likeness in the advertisement.
  30. The publisher, in its sole discretion, will not accept the following advertising content:
    1. Content that the publisher believes is indecent, vulgar, suggestive, profane or offensive.
    2. Content that the publisher believes may be defamatory.
    3. Content containing demonstrably false or unlawful content.
    4. Content that the publisher believes will undermine the integrity and character of its mission and brand.
  31. Payment Address:
    NRECA | P.O. Box 207434 | Dallas, TX 75320-7434 Taxpayer Identification Number: 53-0116145